Our pupil's perspective:
"In Maths, we make sense of the numbers, measures, shapes and statistics that we use every day in our lives."
Subject Leadership

Maths Intent:
At The Redeemer, we think that mastery of anything takes time, consequently we talk about the ‘journey to mastery’. It is our intention to teach all children, to develop the knowledge, understanding and skills necessary to use mathematics in their everyday lives, today, and in the future. In the words of one pupil, ‘We need maths for real life situations such as: shopping, mortgages and debt.’ We aim to develop our students’ learning of mathematics, by providing opportunities for a conceptual understanding of this subject, where the journey is broken down into small skill steps and units of understanding. By carefully building up the planning experiences in different contexts, our pupils move from maths fluency, to being able to apply their knowledge and skills to solve new, real-life problems, whilst also supporting other areas of the curriculum. Through talk, children will be encouraged to articulate their mathematical reasoning. As teachers, we want all pupils in our care to develop a positive attitude towards mathematics, so that they believe they can do maths!
Curriculum Overviews
Year 1 Overview Year 2 Overview
Year 3 Overview Year 4 Overview
Year 5 Overview Year 6 Overview
Useful Information
- Maths Progression in Domains of Knowledge
- Maths Learning Journey
- Redeemer Maths Policy
- Redeemer Mental Maths Policy
- Calculation policy
- Redeemer Number Core Knowledge
- White Rose National Curriculum Progression 2023
- Send in primary mathematics
- Ultimate maths vocabulary list ks1 and ks2
Knowledge Organisers
- Y1 Maths Core Knowledge organiser
- Y2 Maths Core Knowledge organiser
- Y3 Maths Core knowledge organiser
- Y4 Maths Core Knowledge organiser
- Y5 Maths Core Knowledge organiser
- Y6 Maths Core Knowledge organiser