Our pupil's perspective:
"In Computing, we learn how to use computers and how they impact our world."
Subject Leadership
Curriculum Intent:
At The Redeemer, we want our children to understand the power of computing and the responsibility of using the many features available. We know our children will leave school using technology for the rest of their lives so we treat the responsibility of teaching Computing with the utmost importance. As a result, our curriculum is designed to educate our children about: how to use a range of software safely, the power of computers to make a difference in the world and how much of this is underpinned by programming and coding. We want our children to understand technology and explain how it is used to affect our everyday lives, ready to carry on their education using computing in all areas of study.
Curriculum Overview
Key Information
- Computing Policy
- Computing Progressions in Domains of Knowledge
- Y1 Knowledge Organisers
- Y2 Knowledge Organisers
- Y3 Knowledge Organisers
- Y4 Knowledge Organisers
- Y5 Knowledge Organisers
- Y6 Knowledge Organisers
Useful links