Visitors Information
People working in schools and those who visit are uniquely placed to notice signs and symptoms of abuse.
If you have any concerns about the welfare of a child/children and/or anything you experience or witness during your visit please ask to speak to one of our Safeguarding Leads:
Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL): |Gillian Ross
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads (DDSL): Kay Mayfield, Mark Power, Rosie Barnes, Luke Devine, Sam Smallridge, Amanda Jones
What to do if a child approaches you:
Remember that it is hard for a child to disclose and they may only ever do so once. They have chosen to disclose to you.
Do not promise confidentiality – explain you will need to talk to someone else.
Listen non-judgementally and stay calm and controlled. Try not to show shock.
Ask open questions to clarify but do not investigate – use what, when, where, how, tell, explain, describe but don’t ask why as it implies guilt on the child’s part.
Inform a DSL or DDSL immediately.
As soon as possible and before the end of the school day, record the concerns (forms available in the staff room) using a body map if necessary. Use the child’s words, note context, time and date, avoid judgements and opinions and sign and date your statement.
You may wish to use the acronym TED to help clarify the details of what is being said: TELL, EXPLAIN, DESCRIBE. You can say ‘Do you want to tell me anything else?’ Questions should only be used for clarification and information gathering.
Safeguard yourself and speak with a child in a location where you can be viewed. It may be appropriate to keep doors open when speaking with a child and this can sometimes help to reassure them.
If in doubt discuss your concern with a DSL/DDSL
Other useful contacts:
In the case of an emergency, suspecting that a child may be at risk of immediate significant harm or a suspicion/disclosure relating to Female Genital Mutilation you must contact the police on 999.
Children's Advice and Duty Service (CADS): 01254 666440
Emergency Duty Team: 01254 587547
Safeguarding concerns about a member of staff:
It may be that whilst visiting our school you observe a member of staff or adult working with a child/children and you may be concerned about their interaction with them. You may overhear something or see something which makes you feel uncomfortable. It is important that you report these concerns to the Headteacher as soon as possible. If the Headteacher is not available ask for the Head of School/Assistant Head or if your concern is about the Headteacher, please ask for contact details for the Chair of Governors.
It is important to remember that it is not your responsibility to investigate concerns regarding Safeguarding and Child Protection, only to report them to a named member of the DSL team.